Stores and Currencies

The Summoning Altar & Seal Fragments (SFs)

The Summoning Process

Players spend Seal Fragments (SFs) to perform Summoning. The outcome of Summoning depends on the following factors:

1.) Card Distributions

Card distributions determine the percentage chance of each outcome, organized by card rarity, border rarity and card availability. These may change over time.

2.) Limited Time Events

Certain events may alter the drop rate of specific cards or specific card types.

3.) Use of Items

Some consumable items may be used to influence the outcome of the summoning.

The Gem Store & Soul Gems (SGs)

Soul Gems (SGs) earned by the players do not have a maximum limit. SGs can be spent at the Gem Store to purchase a variety of consumable items. SGs may also be required to perform other functions such as upgrading an NFT Banner.

The Gem Store

Soul Gems can be spent at the store to buy consumables. Items offered in the store serves multiple important gameplay functions and may change over time. Important items include:

1.) Golden Keys

Golden Keys are a single-use item that allows player to enter a special challenge that has extremely valuable rewards, including limited NFT Cards with special borders.

2.) Energy Refills

Energy refills can be used to restore player's energy.

3.) Summoning Tickets

Summoning tickets can be used to get a free summoning at the Summoning Altar.

Last updated